
Friday, April 1, 2011

Stop Motion technique - Clay Motion

Clay animation is one of the stop motion. His technique is quite simple. The object or character sculpted in clay or other material, plasticine. When the object or character are in place, frame taken, then the object or character move slightly by hand, another frame taken. This cycle will keep repeating until process is done. When we rapidly playing image as motion, hence making it appear that the object is moving itself, and of course hand must not the seen in picture, this can be avoid when we taking picture. To achieve the best result, a consistent shooting environment is needed. For example the lightning of the scene, object placement, even single dirt, hair, dust can disturb the process. Extra caution must be taken.

Normal film runs 24 fps(frame per second). For 30minutes long film, there would be 21,600 frames, that means we need to stop 21,600 to change the object or character for the frame. Great care must be taken in this process, the lightning & environment position and the object position. Some frame may able to overlap but it is not advisable.

List of the films featuring Clay Motion:
  • "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" 2010
  • "Mary and Max" 2009
  • "Weasel Stomping Day" 2006
  • "Moral Orel"
  • "Taiko no Tatsujin" 2005
  • "Gary and Mike" 2001
  • "Chicken Run" 2000

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